
Here are links to the works I have published that aren’t on my website.


Schnitker, S. A., Medenwaldt, J. M., & Williams, E. G. (2021). Religiosity in Adolescence. Current Opinion in Psychology40, 155-59

Schnitker, S. A., Williams, E. G., & Medenwaldt, J. M. (2021). Personality and Social Psychology Approaches to Religious and Spiritual Development in Adolescents. Adolescent Research Review, 1-19.

Medenwaldt, J. M. (2021). Review of High on God: How Megachurches Won the Heart of America by James Wellman Jr., Katie Corcoran, and Kate Stockly, 2020. Review of Religious Research

Popular Mediums:

The Trilemma: Lord, Liar, or Lunatic? article for (2013).

The Enneagram: A window into the soul or a waste of time? guest article on Randal Rauser’s website (2020)

Is the Enneagram Institute’s RHETI® version 2.5 Scientifically Validated? (2.24.2021) on the Midwest Christian Outreach website.

Book review of The Benedict Option for The Denver (Seminary) Journal (2018).

Medenwaldt, J. M. (2012) The Role of Age and Cognition in Recognizing Emotional Facial Expressions. (Master’s thesis, University of Colorado Colorado Springs).

Apologetics Presentations:

Psychological Apologetics: How Psychology Enhances Apologetics

The Science of Persuasion for Apologetics and Evangelism

The Science of Sex for Apologetics

Is the Enneagram Accurate?

Academic Presentations:

Medenwaldt, J. M., Tsang, J. A., Williams, E. G., & Schnitker, S. A. (2022, March 18-19). Is Gratitude Toward God Unique? [Poster presentation]. Christian Association of Psychological Studies Annual Conference, 2022, virtual online.

Medenwaldt, J. M. (2021, March 18-19). Does the Enneagram live up to its Claims? [Paper presentation]. Christian Association of Psychological Studies Annual Conference, 2022, virtual online.

Medenwaldt, J. M., Tsang, J. A., Williams, E. G., Alwood, H. N., & Schnitker, S. A. (2022, February 16-19). Is Gratitude Toward God Distinctive? [Poster presentation]. Psychology of Religion preconference at Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, 2022.

Medenwaldt, J. M. (2021, November 18-20) Psychology and Apologetics [Presentation]. Evangelical Philosophical Society Annual Apologetics Conference, 2021.

Medenwaldt, J. M. (2021, November 16-18) Is the Enneagram Legitimate for Spiritual Growth? [Paper presentation]. Evangelical Theological Society Annual Conference, 2021.

Medenwaldt, J. & Schnitker, S. A. (2020, February 27-29). Is Religion Required for Virtue and Well-Being? [Poster presentation]. Psychology of Religion preconference at Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, 2020.

Medenwaldt, J. Schnitker, S. A., Houltberg, B., Wang, K., Qi, W., Ratchford, J., & Nelson, C. (2019, October 23-27). Purpose-based identity, religiousness, character, and mental health in elite and non-elite athletes. [Presentation]. Second Global Conference on Sport and Christianity, 2019.

Not first author:

Williams, E. G., Dunn, H., Medenwaldt, J., Schnitker, S. A., & Tsang, J. (2021, February 9-13). Self-Transcendent Emotions: An Analysis on Social Responsibility, Prosociality, and Gratefulness [Poster presentation]. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, 2021, virtual online.

Nesbitt, K., Medenwaldt, J., Schnitker, S. A., & Tsang, J. (2021, February 9-13). Social Responsibility and Self-Other Orientation in the era of COVID-19: Moderating Effects on Stockpiling Behavior [Poster presentation]. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, 2021, virtual online.