Review: Relational Apologetics: Defending the Christian Faith with Holiness, Respect, and Truth

Jan 18, 2019

Relational Apologetics: Defending the Christian Faith with Holiness, Respect, and Truth

Relational Apologetics: Defending the Christian Faith with Holiness, Respect, and Truth by Michael C. Sherrard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The purpose of this book is to help apologists improve their methods so they can be more effective when doing evangelism. It’s a wonderful book and a must read for all apologists. I think I may even start recommending this one ahead of Tactics by Greg Koukl because reading this book and heeding the advice will help apologists apply the methods in Tactics in a more effective way.

Apologists sometime have a bad reputation, both inside and outside the church. We often like to think it is because people just don’t like truth and therefore, they resist apologetics. The examples in the book show that this does not have to be the case. We can be loved and respected while still doing apologetics. The book does this by recommending methods that correspond to scientific principles pf persuasion. This book can help apologists, even experienced ones, find the right balance between speaking truth and love.

Anyone who’s into apologetics should read this book right away. It’s a quick and easy read so there’s no reason to wait.

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